On Saturday we went to the South Saskatchewan River by Gabriel’s Bridge to do a photo shoot for our new CD and do some filming. So here is a harp song we filmed that is played by Josh.
All posts by The Derksens
Bigger Boys, Bigger Toys
So, change comes. First little toys are satisifying and fun. But then comes the change. The bigger you get, the bigger your “toys” get!
Josh and Jesse used to ride on wagons, but now they pull them 🙂
A few days ago we purchased two gravity wagons from a guy by Perdue. We got them to haul chicken feed around.
Baby Chicks!
Gardiner Dam
On Sunday, before we sang at a Gideon program in Outlook, our family went and took a quick look at Gardiner Dam.
The water turbines to generate electricity.
These are the spillway gates to let water into the river when Lake Diefenbaker gets too full.
Josh wanted to get some pictures of the icebergs in the flow run, so he climbed up the wall! Jesse jumped down and surprise! Look at the camera:)
Joshua on the interesting ice crystal formations.
Heidi and Andrew are signing a flag that is going to the World Cup Soccer Tournament in Brazil with the Gideons.
2014 Graduation!
On April 27, Heidi graduated from CMU in Winnipeg with a Bachelor of Music.
Heidi lined up with some of the 80 graduates. The people with pink are receiving music degrees and the white are BAs.
Heidi performing with one of the choirs.
Receiving the degree from the lady with the interesting hat who was Heidi’s piano instructor for some of the time.
Even Grandpa (95) came all the way for the grad.
That same evening, the choir at Heidi’s church performed Hayden’s Creation with an orchestra. Heidi is beside the grey haired lady wearing light green. We got home late last night and tomorrow Heidi starts orientation for an intensive 2 year Post- Degree Registered Nurse degree at the U of S.