Josh works at Manor Woodworks. They do everything from making cabinets to construction of houses. Now that it is spring, he gets to do more outside work including putting a roof on the Home Hardware building in Rosthern. Here’s a picture, Josh is is the one on the far right.
All posts by The Derksens
Resurrection Sunday
” He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.” Without the resurrection, the Christian faith is nothing. It would be just like all the other religions. But Jesus did not stay in the tomb, He rose, and defeated death, and then having been seen by about 500 witnesses, He ascended to the right hand of God up in heaven. He will come back some day and the Christians shall ascend and meet him in the sky, and we shall ever be with him for all of eternity. Hallelujah, HE IS RISEN!
Discerning the Times Bible Conference.
Every year in early spring the Discerning the Times Bible Conference occurs at the Ramada hotel in Saskatoon. There are always several different speakers, one of which is usually a creation science speaker.
The speakers this year were: Carl Kerby, one of the founders of Answers in Genesis who then branched out and formed Reasons for Hope, Warren Smith, an author and conference speaker on deception in the churches, Tom McMahon from The Berean Call, and David Hocking from Hope For Today.
All the speakers were very good, but I especially enjoyed Carl Kerby who showed the fallacy and deception that is in the theory of Evolution.
Maple Tapping!
Every year around this time, we get out our milk jugs, wash them thoroughly and put them up on some maple trees to collect maple sap. Here is the process of putting them up!
Step 1: Drill holes in the caps of the milk jugs, put the spiles through the holes, and tie a string around the handle of the milk jug.
Step 2: Drill a hole in the trunk of the tree.
Step 3: Gently tap the spile into the tree.
Step 4: Put the string around the spile to keep the jug up. And you’re done! Wait…
Of course you have to have some fun…and take a group picture! 🙂
All Done. Now we have to check them every day! 🙁
Quad- Amphibious all-terrain truck!
We are building an amphibious mini jeep. Our uncle gave us this quad because it wasn’t working. It is working now but still there are a few problems with it. It’s brakes don’t work, it has a bent frame making it hard to steer, and it is very hard to start. We are planning on putting the engine, transmission, and differential into the jeep.
The quad on the “lift”.