All posts by The Derksens

Mt. St. Helens

On May 18th, 1980 at 8:32 a.m. Mt. St. Helens erupted. Mt. St. Helens was well known for its beautiful cone-shaped and snow-covered peak towering over heavily forested deep ravines and a crystal clear lake to its North. This eruption also shook the very ”foundation” of evolution and caused many to turn away from evolution to the truth of Creation as described in the Bible.

Mt. St. Helens is located in Skamania County, Washington, United States; it is in the Cascade Range and is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc. Mt. St. Helens got its English name from the British Diplomat Lord St. Helens, a friend of George Vancouver, who made a survey of the area in the late 18th century.

Mt. St. Helens was the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in the history of the United States. A massive debris avalanche triggered by an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale caused an eruption that reduced the elevation of the mountain’s summit from 9,677 ft. to 8,365 ft. replacing it with a 1-mile wide horseshoe shaped crater. It also achieved letting out the power of 1000 Hiroshima bombs in 30 seconds. The mountain continued to erupt until evening, expending the power of 20,000 atomic bombs. In the 5 months following the eruption, 2 canyons were formed by mud and pyroclastic flows. Geologist Steven Austin described these pyroclastic flows as ground-hugging, fluidized, turbulent slurries of fine volcanic debris. They moved down the mountainside at hurricane speeds and left deposits, which were about 538 degrees C. One would expect each deposit to be homogenized & thoroughly mixed. Remarkably these high-velocity slurries of red-hot ash and pumice separated into coarse and fine particles of perfectly defined layers. Such features follow laws governing flows demonstrated in laboratory sedimentation tanks.

The primary drainage, Step Canyon, is up to 700 feet deep. To its east is Loowit Canyon. Both canyons cut through 100 feet of solid rock, with creeks flowing through them. The typical evolutionary explanation is that a creek slowly forms a canyon over vast ages. In this case we know that the canyons were formed quickly; then a stream began to run through them. Textbooks say the most spectacular canyon in the world, the Grand Canyon, was formed by stream erosion over a hundred million years. Now most scientists who specialize in geological erosion believe it was formed rapidly, just like these canyons at Mt. St. Helens. Badlands topography is found in the Southwest and in South Dakota. It occurs where loose material has been eroded in areas of rock structures, leaving a jagged but picturesque landscape. The standard explanation for such landforms is that water, over the centuries, washed away the loose materials, leaving freestanding towering rock patterns. At Mt. St. Helens the massive landslide carried huge amounts of ice and snow with it, burying them in the deep valley to the north. Throughout the day 30ft. of 288 degrees C. ash was also deposited, which quickly melted that ice, causing it to “flash” to steam. This is the same energy process that caused the explosions up in the mountain throughout the day. Water expands 1700 times when it turns to steam. When this happens instantaneously, it is an explosion. Eventually through similar explosions all the water was used up. When the red hot ash covering the buried ice and snow in the valley caused that ice to melt and “flash” to steam, something called “steam explosion pits” were formed (pits up to 125 ft. deep). They had nearly vertical sides until gravity collapsed them to produce a ”rill and gully” effect, one of the features of badlands topography. This remarkable process produced badlands features in just 5 days. It also formed layers. In about 3 hours it accumulated about 200 layers.

Similar thin layering appears in the Tapeats Sandstones of the Grand Canyon. Conventional wisdom says they were formed by slow and continuous sedimentation over long ages. Both gas-charged slurries which formed the Mt. St. Helens strata and water-charged slurries which formed the Tapeats strata follow the same laws of physics. The volcano has demonstrated that such formations can be formed rapidly. A global flood would have produced Tapeats in a brief time.

The landslide of May 18 had buried the river and highway to Spirit Lake to an average 150′. It also buried most other drainages in the 23 square miles of the Upper Toutle Valley and plugged the valley’s mouth. For twenty-two months no established path for water to the Pacific Ocean existed. Then, on March 19, 1982, an eruption melted a large snow pack that had accumulated in the crater over the winter. The waters mixed with loose material on the slopes of the mountain creating an enormous mudflow. In nine hours while no eye watched, the mudflow carved an integrated system of drainages over much of the valley and reopened the way to the Pacific Ocean. The drainages included at least three canyons 100′ deep. One was nicknamed “The Little Grand Canyon of the Toutle” because it is a 1/40th scale model of the Grand Canyon.

Much water (or mud) accomplishes rapidly what a little water (or mud) takes an eternity to accomplish.

Evolutionary geologists assigned long periods of time to the formation of the 16,000 square mile Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington. In the ’70’s they finally acknowledged that this vast geologic formation, which includes the Grand Coulee was formed mostly in two days as a result of a catastrophic event. Catastrophic events best explain the great erosion formations on the earth’s surface. The histories of nearly 300 people groups speak of an event similar to this: the Global Flood.

A million trees were washed into Spirit Lake the day of the main eruption. As the years go by, one by one they become waterlogged and sink to the bottom. Dense root wood is still a part of 10% of the logs. Those logs sink to the bottom in an upright position and their roots quickly become covered by the continuing sedimentation washing into the lake. They give the appearance they grew and died where they are deposited, one forest on top of another over long periods of time.

Such formations are found in other places, including Specimen Ridge in Yellowstone National Park. There, geologists found forests “rooted” in 27 different layers in the ridge and concluded they were observing 27 successive forests. The interpretive sign at Specimen Ridge expressed their error. It read: “Buried within the volcanic rocks that compose the mountain are twenty-seven distinct layers of fossil forest that flourished 50 million years ago.” Today the truth is out and the sign is gone. Scientists realized that the Spirit Lake phenomena explains Specimen Ridge. The trees floated on a lake, became waterlogged and sank to the bottom over a period of time, giving the appearance of multiple forests that grew one on top of another. The 50 million year formation could have formed in just a few years plus the time necessary for petrifying the logs (100 to 1000 years).

Dr. Steven Austin wrote his doctoral dissertation at Penn State University on a new model for coal formation based on his study of a coal field in Kentucky. While geologists have used a peat swamp model to explain coal formation for over 100 years, Austin argued that explanation doesn’t fit because coal is coarsely textured like bark, not finely textured like swamp peat. Swamp peat contains root material; coal does not. Swamp peat rests on a layer of soil; coal often rests on a rock layer. No swamp peat has been found partly formed into coal.
Austin advanced a floating mat model–that a watery catastrophe stripped away millions of acres of forest and tangled them into mats. The mats floated on an ocean over Kentucky, bumping against one another and dropping their bark to the bottom. Subsequent volcanic activity provided heat and pressure, the final ingredients used in laboratories to produce coal. The result was rich seams of coal in Kentucky and a Ph.D. for Austin.

Just ten months later Mount St. Helens erupted, dumping vast amounts of vegetation into Spirit Lake including a million logs. Dr. Austin found the logs on the lake stripped of their bark. The bottom of the lake was strewn with up to three feet of bark mixed with other vegetation and sediment. To this day the material remains as merely slowly decaying vegetation. But if a catastrophe supplies the right amount of heat and pressure, the material will quickly change to coal. Dr. Austin’s research indicates that the idea of coal formation requiring millions of years is highly questionable.

I hope to learn more about the wonders God has given us and about his awesome power, so I can challenge evolutionary beliefs.

For more information please see:

Royal Canadian Snowbank

See how our banking system was working a year ago! If we had tried it this year, with the early warm weather, our assets probably would have liquidated and our customers may not be so happy about the flow of this banking system! Anyway, this is a short video we made last year about this time (notice the huge snowbanks)!

Chicken Barn Tour!

Yesterday we went to tour a chicken barn in the area. The owner said that if you lie down and clap your hands the baby chicks think that you are their mother, and will come to you.

Andrew with the chicks


The chicks gathering around Andrew


Andrew with the chicks :). In just a few short months we’ll have chicks in our yard again, but not nearly this many!

Pickin’ & Grinnin’! The Banjo.

Yesterday while we were in the city, I tried out a few banjos. I settled with a used one that’s in great condition.


It is an open- backed Epiphone  5- string banjo that I found on Kijiji. It’s fun to learn to play! It’s interesting, the last two instruments I’ve gotten (banjo and mandolin), were from some pretty “unique” characters!



Now I can play a real banjo, instead of having to edit a picture of me. Last year while  researching and writing up a report about banjos to convince dad, I edited this picture together:)