Category Archives: Family

Busy Days!

We have been very busy on our yard. Here are some pictures of what we have been doing.

Dad and Jesse pruning

Dad and Jesse pruning the cherry trees.

Micah hauling branches

Micah hauling branches.

The Chickens are growing feathers!

The chickens are growing bigger and also getting feathers! They are always ready for us to bring more food!

Jesse rototilling.

Jesse rototilling part of the garden.


The peas are up

We have already planted most of the gardens and the peas are already up!


The Landfill Harmonic Recycled Orchestra

For the last few days we billeted Favio Chavez, Daniel Allende, Fernando Maldonado, and Jose Rodriguez from the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra which is based in Cateura Paraguay. Cateura is built on a garbage dump on the outskirts of Asuncion. The people of Cateura are very poor and earn their living by selling, recycling, and using the things they find in the garbage dump. A few years ago they started making instruments out of the garbage. (In Cateura, a real instrument is worth more than a home!) Since then their orchestra has increased to many people. They now take turns traveling the world to play their instruments. Only 16 people came on this tour. Their next tour they are doing is to Madrid Spain! Here is a video of us playing our instruments with our billets.

At the concert, they had all the 500+ people sing “Amazing Grace” with them accompanying and then the director (Favio Chavez) said that this is the 1st time that we sang with garbage :).



On Monday night when they arrived, we had our friends, Hugo and Elana, over to translate for us… and eat dessert! The rest of the time we were on our own but with the few Spanish words we know from going to Mexico on missions trips, the few English words they knew, and the help of an English/Spanish dictionary (and a phone), we could make out what each other was saying. We also read out of our Espanol/English New Testament, and gave them Spanish tracts.


trying the guitar

It was fun trying their instruments out. The materials that they make the instruments out of range from oil cans, candy tins, hairbrushes and shoes, to spoons, forks and cutting boards. Here Levi is trying the guitar.


Micah with the cutting board guitar.

This electric guitar was partially made from a cutting board 🙂



Josh is trying out  Fernando’s trumpet that is made of copper pipe and eaves-trough.


trying the violin


Andrew playing the viola after the concert.


playing UNO

Playing “Uno” with the guys.



group picture

And a group picture. It was fun hosting these guys (and communicating).

Gardiner Dam

On Sunday, before we sang at a Gideon  program  in Outlook, our family went and took a quick look at Gardiner Dam.

Water Turbines

The water turbines to generate electricity.

water gates

These are the spillway gates to let water into the river when Lake Diefenbaker gets too full.


Josh and Jesse

Josh wanted to get some pictures of the icebergs in the flow run, so he climbed up the wall! Jesse jumped down and surprise! Look at the camera:)







Joshua on the interesting ice crystal formations.


Signing the flag

Heidi and Andrew are signing a flag that is going to the World Cup Soccer Tournament in Brazil with the Gideons.

2014 Graduation!

On April 27, Heidi graduated from CMU in Winnipeg with a Bachelor of Music.

Lined up with the 80 other grads

Heidi lined up with some of the 80 graduates. The people with pink are receiving music degrees and the white are BAs.


Heidi singing with one of the choirs

Heidi performing with one of the choirs.


Heidi graduating

Receiving the degree from the lady with the interesting hat who was Heidi’s piano instructor for some of the time.


Even Grandpa came

Even Grandpa (95) came all the way for the grad.


Hayden's Creation

That same evening, the choir at Heidi’s church performed Hayden’s Creation with an orchestra. Heidi is beside the grey haired lady wearing light green. We got home late last night and tomorrow Heidi starts orientation for an intensive 2 year Post- Degree Registered Nurse degree at the U of S.


Resurrection Sunday

” He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.” Without the resurrection, the Christian faith is nothing. It would be just like all the other religions. But Jesus did not stay in the tomb, He rose, and defeated death, and then having been seen by about 500 witnesses, He ascended to the right hand of God up in heaven. He will come back some day and the Christians shall ascend and meet him in the sky, and we shall ever be with him for all of eternity. Hallelujah, HE IS RISEN!