Category Archives: Family

Water Issues!

This statement from James 4: 14 is so true:  “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow”.  Last Saturday Dad was working  quite late. When he got home he heard our pump running. It didn’t seem to be stopping, so he decided to go investigate. The pump and pipes were all very  hot, so he turned off the pump and he went back up stairs. But then came a dreaded sound. poufshhhhhh. So again, he ran down the stairs, and lo, and behold the water intake line had burst.


We suspect that an air leak in the system caused an air lock. When the pump was turned off the water in the house then applied pressure to the warm pipe, causing it to break.The next morning we woke up to a limited water supply in the pressure tank. By the time we went to church, there was no water left other than in our Reverse Osmosis tap. Fortunately, we had a program in the evening on Sunday (posts upcoming about that), but we still had to develop a system to wash hands. Josh’s system was to run out the deck door in bare feet, and wash his hands in snow:)



On Monday and Tuesday, the plumbers came back and forth and finally, we think, things are back to normal.  Note the new check valve which replaced the shut off valve Dad used to stop the flow of water into the basement.