Category Archives: Video

Singing Cowboys!

This morning we went to an old western movie set to film “Do Lord”! Over 200 movies have been filmed here including an old one we have seen called, “Lost in Silver Canyon”. We had to get special permission to film here. It was quite fun although the noise of the shooting ranges right beside was PRETTY loud.




Mom snapped shots of our behind the scenes crew!


Josh and Dad were our camera men.

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Jesse operated the van’s sound system and…



He also enjoyed playing fetch with the dog to keep it away from the filming.



Here is our happy photographer!



Jesse made sure no one got out of jail to bother the filming:)


The Mystery Man- Our Newest Movie!

Behind the Scenes and The Official Trailer of our newest movie- The Mystery Man

Filming With the Greenscreen

In this movie, we incorporate driving scenes. As the actors (Andrew and I) are not old enough to drive, we had to make do with using the green screen. During editing I can pull a background onto everywhere it is green, thus creating the appearance of someone driving, while actually we are sitting in our heated shop:-)



Andrew posing for a picture:)



The green screen and light setup!




The Deep Thinker:-)





What if the Bible was illegal to read like it is in 52 of the 195 countries of this world? You’d have to hide it, and you’d never know who is on your tail! We did this little chase video in fall but never got around to editing it.