This past weekend we went for a family holiday to Christopher Lake (which is a bit north of Prince Albert). It included a lot of skiing, resting, and Bible time. Here is a couple of photos from the cross- country ski run by Anglin Lake. God provided wonderful weather and it was just beautiful out there!
Domino effect:)
We skiied up the Fire-tower road and then got to see a great view for miles.
Jesse sizing up the steep hill. He said it would’ve been easier just to ski right down there, rather than going the roundabout way. But, it was a bit too steep, and there were trees at the bottom to be avoided. So we just “flew” down the Fire-tower road.
After falling down into the snow, I decided to do some target practice on the scenery with my Canon:)
The MEN Guarding the Mountain!!
Josh and Jesse had fun changing the settings on my camera, while Andrew and I played games. So here’s a silhouette kinda’ picture that Josh took. It sort of looks like Andrew is outside, but that picture is just taken through the big window in the cabin!