For the last 23 years, Saskatchewan Home Based Educators have had an annual convention. Saskatoon Inn has provided great service for most of the years with the big conference rooms and hotel rooms in one facility. It has usually been there, other than for a few times when it has been in Regina. Our family has gotten more involved in helping organize the convention in the past few years. Our duties this year were:
Performing music for the opening and Grad Ceremony (most of our family played for the opening but we didn’t get a picture).
Mom organized the Home Education Completion Ceremony.
Dad was the MC for the grad. He read the information about the graduates, as they walked up. Levi was supposed to, but the grad started at 6:45 and Levi only got there after 8:00 because of work. Last year there were 17 graduates, but this year there were only 3! Note Dad’s tie. Must be a special occasion!:)
Our family did a Family Ministry Workshop during the convention! Levi was also on a grad panel.
The men (No, we’re not boys) of our family also were responsible to help move the vendors in and back out of the convention hotel.
We had a good time listening to speakers at sessions and visiting with friends in between!
This past weekend we went for a family holiday to Christopher Lake (which is a bit north of Prince Albert). It included a lot of skiing, resting, and Bible time. Here is a couple of photos from the cross- country ski run by Anglin Lake. God provided wonderful weather and it was just beautiful out there!
Domino effect:)
We skiied up the Fire-tower road and then got to see a great view for miles.
Jesse sizing up the steep hill. He said it would’ve been easier just to ski right down there, rather than going the roundabout way. But, it was a bit too steep, and there were trees at the bottom to be avoided. So we just “flew” down the Fire-tower road.
After falling down into the snow, I decided to do some target practice on the scenery with my Canon:)
The MEN Guarding the Mountain!!
Josh and Jesse had fun changing the settings on my camera, while Andrew and I played games. So here’s a silhouette kinda’ picture that Josh took. It sort of looks like Andrew is outside, but that picture is just taken through the big window in the cabin!
This song was written in 1857 By William S. Pitts. It is a common country gospel song. The picture of the church in the background is the real Little Brown Church in Iowa. As the story goes, William Pitts was going past this spot before there was a church there. He thought that there should really be a church there and made a song about the church in the vale. A couple years later he came back and saw the townsfolk building the church at the spot he imagined it.The song has grown in popularity since then.
Last night we were having fun filming Levi while he was playing Behemoth Is A Dinosaur. It was a little rusty since he hasn’t sang it often! But it was fun:) You can tell Levi is not much of a cowboy, he put his hat on backwards! For better quality turn up the settings to 1080 p HD.
On Tuesday night there was a live debate between Bill Nye the “Science Guy” and Ken Ham from Answers In Genesis, dealing with the question, “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?”
Bill Nye said the reason he agreed to debate Ken Ham was that he wanted everybody to see that “Ken Ham’s movement” should not get in the schools. He also wanted to see if Ken actually believed in Creation, or if he was just in it for some other reason.
A problem with Bill Nye is that he says he’ll change his mind if he hears even one piece of evidence for creation, but, there is ample evidence for creation, and yet he does not believe in it! His mind is darkened.
I am glad that Ken Ham presented the salvation message. We pray that Mr. Nye will accept the truth of the Bible and its salvation message. One day …“ we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:10b-12
Bill Nye really did not have any firm answers and had no hope for eternity whereas Ken kept on pointing back to where to find the truth, in God’s Word. Here is the debate:
The whole debate idea got roused up when Bill Nye released this video in 2011 attacking teaching Creationism to children. Creationist organizations responded to Bill Nye’s video, and as a result, Bill Nye agreed to the debate!
The above video clip is a fun way of pointing out some of the flaws in Bill Nye’s video clip.
For more information than was possible to present in the debate forum, please go to the following link for an excellent follow up article about the debate.
By the way, one of Bill Nye’s arguments for a very old earth was the Greenland ice cores. He implied that the layers in the snow ice cores each represented one year. If that reasoning was true, this snow drift on our yard last year was at least 18 years old, complete with a glove at the bottom to give scale and, no, the glove is not fossilized.:) The layers in the snow drift were much clearer in real but had already melted a little bit when the picture was taken. These layers are caused by temperature changes and weathering between snow falls.