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Ark Encounter

The main reason we went down to Kentucky, was to visit the new Ark Encounter!


This 100 million dollar project was started back in 2014 by Answers In Genesis, 8 years after they opened the Creation Museum. It is nearing the 500,000 visitor mark in the less than 5 months it has been open.



At the Ark Encounter, there are 11 buses that commute from the 4,000 spot parking lot, down about a mile to the ark drop off site.



The stern end. It was not made with a rudder, as Noah probably wouldn’t have been piloting the ship anywhere.


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The door of the ship. It is quite big!



We don’t butcher our chickens quite this nice:)


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The middle posts of the ark are huge! The ark is sitting 15 feet off the ground, and there are 3 floors + a roof deck that is opening up as a restaurant next year, Lord willing.



Depicting the scene of sacrifice to God after Noah and his family got out of the ark.



An all metal lion at the gift shop (a hefty price tag).



An exhibit depicting what food storage and gardens inside the ark could have looked like.



While the Ark and restaurant are finished, the site will be continually added onto over the years. Some expansions include, a pre-flood Walled City, the Tower of Babel, an amphitheater, etc.



We got back 1 week ago late at night!

“And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.”

Genesis 7:7

Creation Museum

On Saturday, we spent the morning working at Josh’s house, and then flew off around 3:00 p.m. to Cincinnati, Ohio (via Toronto), to come to the Creation Museum and the newly opened Ark Encounter.


Some people took the chance to watch their eyelids on the flight. We started on a fairly small jet, and then in Toronto, took off in an even smaller (50 seater) jet to Cincinnati.


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After church this morning, we went to the Creation Museum. We had a great time there enjoying the Planetarium, Men in White Special FX theater, as well as the museum itself.



There were many mannequins, some of which could speak, including this one which wasn’t here in 2012 when we were here. This guy was Dr. Crawley’s assistant, talking about bugs.


One of Noah’s sons working.



And another son. This is the ark building exhibit at the Creation Museum.


Those monkey faces sure  don’t look like Levi!


Listening to Noah talk.



Our rental van. We rented from a business leasing company, so we could have our whole family in the same vehicle.



As it is a business vehicle, it is fitted out quite nicely.

We are thankful to God for safe travels, and for the good day we could have, learning about His creation!



Summer and Fall!

We have had a busy time with Jesse’s graduation, weeding,  cherry picking, helping with Joshua’s house, picking apples, digging potatoes, starting carrot harvest and many other things!

Jesse's grad picture

After 12 years of hard work Jesse graduated from school. We had a short program including a graduation song  and a few words of encouragement from one of Jesse’s friends and a farmer Jesse has worked for. And then, of course, lots of food!


Cherry picking

Cherry picking went well except for this variety which had a lot of mold so we just picked a few.


Picking apples

Dad picking some delicious apples. Other people in our family do help pick too 🙂 . You can click here to see the price list.


The sunrise

A picture of the sunrise down the road.


Hawk with his ball

Hawk and his ball. He enjoys playing fetch and watching the yard.


Drone picture

When the guy Jesse works for harvested our field, Micah and I used his drone to take some pictures and videos.


The wheat

The wheat about to be harvested.


The sun

Micah got this picture of the sun shining through the harvest dust.



We dug many potatoes this year with a borrowed plow. (This is only part of them). We have several varieties of red, white, purple and Yukon gold.


The basement

They just poured the basement recently at Joshua’s house so we put in the stairs and framed the basement.


Insulation and poly

We then insulated the main floor. And you can see that they also did the poly.


The house

We worked hard to finish the stone and got done just before the weather got cold and snowy!



Another event I attended in Regina on Oct. 1st, along with Mom and Dad, was Levi’s graduation from the CPA/CGA program .

We also got most of our chickens butchered at a Hutterite Colony that is a federally inspected facility and then butchered the last few along with some friends’ chickens. We haven’t  dug many carrots yet so I don’t have any pictures…the snow has to melt first!

Another bit of exciting news is that Joshua got engaged on  August 27 to Shaylyn Fehr. Their wedding is on January 7, 2017.

Even though we didn’t want snow now, we know that, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22.