The Derksen Family

Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalm 96:2

2008 Schedule

Please note that we sing where we are invited, however, not all locations share our beliefs. This schedule only includes programs where all or at least more than one of our family members are involved.



9- SDA Church, Rosthern, SK
23-Prayer Breakfast, Rosthern, SK
24- Rosthern Mennonite Church, Rosthern, SK


15- Hospital Fundraiser, Rosthern, SK
30- Home for the Aged/ Nursing Home Services


6- Evening of Quartets, Forest Grove Church, Saskatoon, SK
11- 7:00 p.m. Western Tract Mission Fundraiser, Cornerstone, Saskatoon, SK


10- Wedding, Waldheim, SK
15- 7:00 p.m. Langham Care Home, Langham, SK
18- Rosthern Mennonite Church, Rosthern, SK
18- Duck Lake Care Home, Duck Lake, SK


14- Wedding, Waldheim, SK
150 11:00 a.m. Evangelical Church Picnic, Rosthern, SK
15- 6:20p.m. WDM Gospel Jamboree, North Battleford, SK


20- Rosthern Mennonite Church, Rosthern, SK


23- Christlike Ministries Fundraiser, Rosthern, SK


21- 7:00 p.m. Gideon Festival of Praise, Rosthern Alliance, SK
26- Gospel Message Radio Supper, Brian King Center, Warman, SK


4- Warman Care Home Fundraiser, Warman, SK
5- Home for the Aged/Nursing Home Services, Rosthern, SK


9-12:00 p.m. Zoar Mennonite Senior's Banquet, Langham, SK
9- Hope Mennonite Fellowship, North Battleford, SK
14- Gospel Echoes, SK
30- Rosthern Mennonite Church, Rosthern, SK
30- 7:00 p.m. Forest Grove Praise Night, Saskatoon, SK


4- Waldheim MB Fellowship Banquet, Waldheim, SK
10- Langham Care Home Banquet, Langham, SK
15- 10:00 a.m. Circle Park Care Home, Saskatoon, SK
15- 3:30 p.m. Bethany Manor, Saskatoon, SK

2008 :: Schedule History